Invitation to International Scientific Conference “SOCIETAL INTERACTIONS: RETHINKING MODERN ISSUES” 2023 on November 16, 2023.
ABOUT THE CONFERENCE (November 16, 2023)
Brittle, anxious, non-linear, and incomprehensible (BANI) is the way many people may feel today. The creator of this new concept is Jamais Cascio, American anthropologist, author and futurist. Modern society raises debatable questions of the meaning of life, social value, personal and organizational engagement so that people and organizations become more resilient and feel engaged in creating more meaning for the surrounding world.
The scientific community expands on these important issues stating that (Grambmeier, 2020):
- If something is brittle, it requires capacity and resilience.
- If we feel anxious, we need empathy and mindfulness.
- If something is non-linear, it calls for context and adaptivity.
- If something is incomprehensible, it demands transparency and intuition.
Responding to the challenges of the modern world SMK University of Applied Sciences organizes this scientific conference to gather the academic communities of Lithuania and foreign countries, representatives of science and business to address the problems of societal interactions and rethink modern issues.
AIM OF THE CONFERENCE is to share scientific advances, novelty, and research findings on topics within the following work themes:
- Creative economy and industries
- Organization transformations for reflective resilience and meaningful work
- Wealth, reassurance, and social value development
- Health and wellness trends for better well-being
- Transition to a green economy
- Society, technologies and communication in the digital age
- Educational innovations for human development
- Art and aesthetics for better humanity perception
Requirements for presentations: the duration of the presentation should not exceed 10 minutes.
Requirements for publications: the publications must be prepared according to the requirements for articles, the template can be found here.
All scientific articles will be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal „Current Issues of Business and Law“ indexed in the EBSCO Publishing database.
Article submission deadline is November 1st, 2023.
All publications in health sciences could be published in a scientific peer-reviewed journal „Science and Processes of Education” indexed in the EBSCO Publishing database. The requirements are the same as for the previous journal.
The participation in the conference with a presentation or without it is free of charge.
The publication fee is 50 eur. Those who receive the recommendation of the reviewer to be accepted for a publication with indicated corrections or without any of them will be provided detailed information for payment by e-mail.
- The duration of the presentation should not exceed 10 minutes.
- The languages of the Conference are English and Lithuanian.
- All presentations should include research topicality, research problem, research aim, research methods, research data and results, research conclusions.
- Registration deadline: 20/09/2023
- Deadline for submission of articles: 01/11/2023
Articles can be submitted to:
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