Temporarily studies at SMK are going to be held fully online
Taking into account the epidemiological situation in the country and the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania and the and the October 21st, 2020 Resolution taken on the meeting of the Government of Lithuania, SMK University of Applied Social Sciences will organize studies remotely as of 26th of October until 8th of November (inclusive). An exception applies for practical classes and assessments of study subjects approved by the order of the Director of the SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, for which it is not possible to organize online.
We also remind you of the security requirements that must be observed in the buildings of SMK during the study process and other study-related activities:
- In all indoor public places (for example cafe, hallways, classrooms and so on) to wear protective mask which fully covers nose and mouth. Exemption from wearing mask could be applied to people with disabilities which based on their health condition cannot wear mask because wearing mask could harm their condition. In that case they need to follow other safety rules.
- To maintain a safe distance between each other no les then 1 meter apart. SMK administration will ensure safe distance between students in the classrooms.
- To follow personal hygiene (washing hands, coughing and sneezing ethic and others)
- To follow the requirements to wear masks.
- Not to take part in contact activities if you have any of the following symptoms: body temperature higher then 37,3, the difficulty breathing, coughing and sneezing.
- Not to resist to temperature measure by SMK staff if requested.
- If felt any of the symptoms like fever, coughing or sneezing or difficulty breathing, mussel ache, immediately vacate the SMK premises and let SMK administration know. Contact Corona virus hotline tel. number 1880 or contact your doctor.
- If diagnosed with Covid-19 immediately notify SMK International relations office.
- If diagnosed with Covid-19 immediately notify Lithuanian national public health center so they can identify possible spread of the virus to the other contacts.
- Do not come to SMK premises if are required to self-isolate.
If you have been diagnozed with COVID-19 (coronovirus infection), notify the SMK administration immediately by e-mail info@smk.lt and / or by phone 8 658 999 50 or International Relations Office and cooperate with the National Center for Public Health (hereinafter - NVSC) in identifying persons who had a contact.
Please note that during the physical lectures lecturers will be obliged to record your attendance with contact details, as this information is needed to ensure prompt transmission of data to the National Center for Public Health about possible contact with COVID-19.
Let's protect each other and stay healthy!
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