
SMK together with colleagues from 8 European countries met in Belgium for the sake of educational changes

SMK visited Belgium this week, in the town of Hasselt, where the University of Applied Sciences and Arts is located. Together with representatives from other universities of applied sciences, SMK met to discuss further steps in uniting the higher education network 'DIVERSE: Digital and Innovative Venture Science Education for Resilient and Sustainable Entrepreneurship' and to apply for the European University Initiative.

The European University Initiative, coordinated by the European Commission, consists of international alliances that promote European values and aim to fundamentally change the quality and competitiveness of higher education in Europe, encompassing all four missions of higher education institutions: education, research, innovation, and service to society.

Members of the DIVERSE alliance seek to bring together the largest network of universities of applied sciences in Europe, consolidating the capabilities of researchers, students, teachers, and social partners to implement joint long-term strategies for quality education, research, and innovation based on a common vision and shared values in response to regional, national, and international challenges driven by rapid technological advancement.

During the meeting, the following topics were discussed:

  • Further international cooperation initiatives in the field of education
  • Joint activities in the development of international scientific activities
  • Promotion of teacher and student exchanges using innovative collaboration models

We are delighted that the meeting ended in signing of a cooperation agreement, committing to continue and intensify collaboration in the areas of internationality, education, research, and innovation development. During the meeting, we had the opportunity to discuss further prospects for cooperation and readiness to submit an application for the European University Initiative and to get a closer look at PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts' experience in collaborating with the leading Corda Campus incubator, which unites more than 250 technology sector companies.