SMK offer for siblings
SMK University of Applied Social Sciences is delighted to offer a sibling tuition fee reduction for newly qualified students from the same family with two or more family members enrolled at SMK. The sibling discount of 10 % will be awarded to the next sibling when both family members attend or if the other sibling has graduated from SMK University of Applied Social Sciences.
Terms and Conditions
- Applicant must complete the application form with the certified birth certificates of both siblings for the discount to be granted;
- The discount takes effect from the date of submission of the application and relevant documents;
- A sibling relationship is defined as either brother or sister;
- This discount will be provided for the whole study period which is equal to a 10 % discount from the semester fee;
- The awarded discount is not transferrable for cash, nor refundable, and cannot be transferred to a non-sibling;
- The applicant should have an SKVC recognition certificate;
- The decision to award the sibling discount will make by the Manager of International studies at SMK University of Applied Social Sciences.
Please contact for more information.
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