SMK lecturers will be participating in a course "Research Methodology" by two researchers from Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
SMK Vilnius is proud to be hosting researchers Dr. José Ramon Saura and Dr. Vera Gelashvili from Rey Juan Carlos University in Spain in April.
They will be sharing their expertise in publishing scientific research while presenting a course "Research Methodology" on 12th April, 2022. The course is intended for SMK lecturers, who would like to get published in prestigious scientific journals and develop a scientist-researcher competence.
About the course:
Publishing in the so-called impact journals has become the main goal of researchers and R&D institutions. Nowadays, obtaining an impact factor has become a kind of guarantee of editorial quality. Quality research requires a well designed methodology that is appropriate to the journal's requirements.
- Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies;
- Channels of academic publishing;
- Academic assistance (advice, reviews, etc).
Dr. José Ramon Saura
Jose Ramon Saura is Researcher and Associate professor of Digital Marketing in the Business Economics Department at Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid (Spain). Previously, he held positions and made consultancy at several companies including Google, L'Oréal, Deloitte, Telefónica, or MRM//McCann (2011-2015), among others. He has Editorial Board experience in such Journals like SAGE Open, Marketing and Management of Innovations, or the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Research. His research has appeared in leading international business, marketing, and information sciences journals.
Dr. Vera Gelashvili
Vera Gelashvili is researcher and Associate Professor at Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid (Spain) in the department of Business Economics. She has published articles in numerous prestigious national and international journals, highlighting the Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review, Management Decision, Review of Managerial Science, Journal of Advanced Transportation etc. She is the author of several papers and book chapters and presented her research in National and International Congress and Workshops. Member of the research groups INIFCO-UCM (2015-2017), EcoTTuG (2020 - ) and BIOZOMBIE (2021-2023).
For more information please contact Inga at
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