
SMK International Staff Week 2023: “Building Resilient Higher Education Institutions", Vilnius, Lithuania

It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the Erasmus + International Staff Week at SMK University of Applied Sciences. The ISW will be held from the 13th to 16th of June 2023 and it is designed for staff members interested in topics related to building organisational and personal resilience.

The purpose of International Staff Week (ISW) is to share the experience on building resilient community or institution. The main resilience areas, we are willing to explore are psychological, emotional, physical, community, environmental, technological resilience and how it is applied in different higher education institutions.

The ISW is also dedicated to expanding and strengthening international partnerships. The event comprises of discussions, presentations, best practice sharing, and experiential activities related to building resilience in higher education institutions. ISW participants are encouraged to deliver presentations during the week on how their institutions are contributing to organisational and personal resilience.

Important information: 

Participation fee - 100 Euros to cover the coffee breaks as well as social programme costs. 

Participation in Staff Week can be funded by Erasmus+ Staff Training grants provided by the home University of a participant. 

We invite participants to check the availability of such funding with their home institution. 

Download Programme


Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Erasmus+ coordinator Donata Dulke, donata.dulke@smk.lt.

We look forward to having you in Vilnius!


Cover photo: ©Go Vilnius. Augustas Didžgalvis. Business

©Go Vilnius. Augustas Didžgalvis, panorama at night

©Go Vilnius. Scooter tour