AIM OF THE CONFERENCE – to present and discuss the potential ideas for future products or processes invented by young creators relevant to any field of society life.
Bachelor and Master students from various study and science fields are welcome to share the outcomes of applied research as well as ideas and visions for the development of future creative solutions relevant to the modern world.
Applied research can be implemented individually or in a team under the supervision of the teaching staff or representatives of other organizations.
Conference abstracts, which will comply with the requirements, will be published in conference proceedings.
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Thanks for stopping by to get to know SMK. Look around you - the world is waiting for you to make your ideas a reality. It is ok if you have a lot of questions and you don’t know which direction to take. The best discoveries await those who dare to try! Please fill out this form, and we will contact you to set up the time for a personal consultation, where we will be able to answer you any questions about the admission and visa process, living in Vilnius, or guide you in choosing the right study programme.