
Financial Literacy And New Business Models To Boost Women Entrepreneurship Possibilities

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences together with 5 partners from Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain, and Poland started to implement the project “FIT: Financial literacy and new business models to boost women entrepreneurship possibilities”, which is partly financed by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union.

The project’s overall aim is preparing and testing an improvement program specifically designed to support women entrepreneurs in starting or reshaping their business using circular economy business models with solid financial structure. Women’s entrepreneurship is an untapped source of growth, prosperity and poverty reduction, as well as being fundamental to women’s empowerment for creating societies that are more equitable.

The partners will develop a blended learning program, associated with a coaching program; offered by a multidisciplinarity support network, that will increase women entrepreneurs: business planning skills; financial literacy; entrepreneurial mind set; the ability to lead with purpose while creating their local and international support network. The learning program, and the tools developed and tested, during the 24 month long implementation of the FIT project, will support future women entrepreneurs to:

  • learn about new business models; and, contribute to a ‘greener, ethical, and responsible economy’
  • increase financial literacy; and, the ability to take financial and strategic company decisions
  • develop managerial, organizational, and leadership skills needed, to lead and manage a business
  • increase networking opportunities, and receive custom support by peers/trainers/mentors

By taking part at the FIT project, participants will focus on their personal development, building up their self-confidence, and enhancing a wide set of skills such as entrepreneurial mind-set communication, team working, and other key social skill that can be useful in any part of their life, thus favouring economic growth by building a broad movement of support for women-owned businesses.

More information about the project are available at project website or please contact project manager Donata Dulkė at donata.dulke@smk.lt