
Additional competition for studies abroad!

Additional selection for Erasmus+ studies abroad for the remaining places starts from 15 th April for 2020/2021 Autumn semester. Erasmus+ study grant in the EU countries is 420-520 Eur / month.

Information about institutions which are still available for the autumn semester (by study programme) 

In order to participate in the competition, you need to fill out an electronic application form, attach your
passport type photo and CV:

Application online https://forms.gle/t9tETfVxGDYUhbMs5

We are waiting for your applications until April 29th!
More about Erasmus+ programme for outgoing students here: https://www.smk.lt/en/erasmus/
For more information please apply to: Donata Dulkė, email: donata.dulke@smk.lt