Information for Ukrainians
The SMK community expresses its unanimous support to Ukrainian people, Ukrainian students studying at SMK, their families, and our partners.
We remain indifferent to aggression against freedom and humanity and we are wholeheartedly standing in this together with you. Our community supports free and peaceful Ukraine.
SMK пропонує безкоштовне за навчання українським студентам, які бажають продовжити навчання в Литві
Спільнота СМК висловлює підтримку українському народу. У нинішніх важких обставинах Університет прикладних соціальних наук SMK оголошує про готовність прийняти 100 студентів з України, надавши їм повне звільнення від оплати навчання. Студенти будуть зараховані до програм професійного бакалавра SMK, які наразі пропонуються англійською мовою (International Business and Marketing and Advertising Creation).
Вимоги до використання послуги безкоштовного продовження навчання:
- Звільнення від оплати надається виключно студентам українських вищих навчальних закладів, які тікають від війни в Україні та бажають продовжити навчання в Литві;
- Студент повинен бути здатним до навчання англійською мовою;
- Заявник має заповнити анкету*;
*Заявку також можна заповнити у філіалi SMK Vilnius за адресою: Kalvarijų 137E, Вільнюс. - Абітурієнт має взяти участь у співбесіді з приймальною комісією (співбесіда буде призначена абітурієнту через кілька днів після отримання поданої анкети).
- За додатковою інформацією звертайтеся до Дар’яни Кізім, менеджера міжнародного навчання (консультації надаються англійською, українською та російською мовами).
+370 601 74901
SMK offers a Tuition Waiver to Ukrainian Students Willing to Continue their Studies in Lithuania
In the current dire circumstances, the SMK University of Applied Sciences announces its readiness to accept 100 students from Ukraine granting them a tuition waiver covering the full study fee. The students will be admitted to the SMK professional bachelor study programmes that are currently offered in the English language (International Business and Marketing and Advertising Creation).
Tuition Waiver Requirements:
- A tuition waiver is granted solely to students of Ukrainian higher education institutions, fleeing from the war in Ukraine and wishing to continue their studies in Lithuania;
- The student has to be able to study in the English language;
- The applicant has to fill out an Application Form*;
*The Application Form may also be filled out at the SMK Vilnius branch, address: Kalvarijų 137E, Vilnius.
- The applicant has to participate in an interview with the Admission Committee (the interview will be assigned to the applicant a few days after receiving a submitted application form).
For more information please contact Dariana Kizim, International Studies Manager (consultations are provided in English, Ukrainian and Russian).
+370 601 74901
Support to Current SMK Students from Ukraine
SMK Vilnius currently has 12 students from Ukraine. We consider it is our duty to support these students, make them feel safe, and enable them to continue their studies to alleviate their financial and emotional difficulties.
Under the present circumstances, current SMK students from Ukraine have been granted a tuition waiver for the spring semester. Taking into account the needs expressed by the students, SMK is actively involved in assisting the students in job search bringing together not only the SMK community but also cooperating with our business partners. Our aim is to help our students continue their studies at the SMK, therefore, we are addressing all companies able and willing to offer a part-time job to the Ukrainians studying at SMK.
Please send your job offers to Dovilė Berdikšlienė, Head of SMK Career Center HeyReady, at:
The SMK community expresses its concern over the recent developments in Ukraine and crimes being committed against humanity. We convey our solidarity with Ukrainian people by action, support, volunteering, and communication directed to helping Ukrainian people and spreading a message that unity, cooperation, and peace are vital values in today’s world. We brought the SMK community together in Vilnius, Kaunas, and Klaipėda to take part in our initiative “Let’s tie this war up!” We are also contributing to other public initiatives and strongly support Ukrainian people.
SMK provides assistance to its students who experience emotional difficulties related to the developments in Ukraine by offering them free psychological counselling. Please contact Jovita Žibūdaitė, e-mail: or other contacts listed here.
If you have other ideas on how we can help the Ukrainians studying at SMK, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Together we can do much more!